
Certified True Copy

Under the section 122 of the Company Ordinance (Cap.622) of the Laws of Hong Kong, a copy of any documents shall be certified by a specified professional person (e.g. certified public accountants)


Certified copy is a copy (often a photocopy) of a primary document, that has on it an endorsement or certificate that it is a true copy of the primary document. It certifies that it is a true copy of the primary document.


The Institutional departments of the society has stringent procedures on the administrative examination and approval. There is a certain standard and requirement for the document. The copy of the document submitted must be "certified copy" to prove that it is copied from the original copy of the document.


Especially for:

Company formation
Bank account opening
Visa Services
Overseas Immigrations (Including Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, British, Malaysia "MM2H")
Local studies
Overseas studies


Our services including:
Prepare the list of documents required by the department concerned
Write copies of the document with a "certified copy" stamp plus signature of CPAs
Provide advice and consultancy services